CASHLoan Repayment Options
Forbearance and Deferments Options
Depending on your loan type and disbursement date, if you are experiencing hardship, a short-term forbearance or deferment may be available.
Additional eligibility criteria and requirements may apply. To determine if you qualify, please call.
In School Deferment
You may postpone repayment of your loan(s) while you are:
Medical Residency Deferment
You may postpone repayment of your loan(s) while you are:
If you are temporarily unable to make your regular monthly payment, you may be eligible for a forbearance.
Military Forbearance
You may postpone repayment of your loan(s) while you are:
You must provide MOHELA with a copy of your military orders or a written statement from your commanding or personnel
officer, or you must have your commanding or personnel officer certify your service.