Enroll in MOHELA’s Auto Debit Program to have automatic payments electronically debited from your bank account. Learn more about Auto Debit.
Make a one-time payment on MOHELA.com
Use our automated phone system at 800.945.4701 (Toll Free) or 636.532.0600 (International)
Use your financial institution’s online bill pay service or other bill pay service provider
When using bill pay, you will need your 10-digit MOHELA account number as well as MOHELA’s payment mailing address.
Mail a check or money order addressed to MOHELA, including your 10-digit Account Number.
Note that this payment method takes the longest for your payment to process.
All payments must be drawn on U.S. financial institutions and in U.S. currency.
If you are struggling with your student loans, please fill out this form to get help from the State of Massachusetts Ombudsman's Student Loan Assistance Unit.